The Listicle



EduBlogsClub Prompt #7:

Prompt: Write a listicle.

Some helpful notes:

  • Write about any topic at all that interests you
  • A list can be as short as 3 entries
  • Be helpful, make the list a resource your readers may want to bookmark and come back to
  • If you aren’t up for a list, write about lists, list keeping tools, or tools to embed lists
  • Marketing tests prove that putting a number in your title will often increase shares and clicks

Deciding what to make a listicle about was a challenge for me, but in the end I decided on making a short list on podcasts. My husband has been into podcasts for a a number of years and I only just warmed up to them about 2 years ago. I listen to all kinds of podcasts, but I thought the best ones to list for you here on my educator blog would be those I listen to for educational reasons.

  1. The Getting Smart Podcast “Where we unpack what is new and innovative about education” This podcast covers a variety of topics related to K-12 education. It consists of interviews with educators who specialize in different types of innovations in education.
  2. 10 Minute Teacher Podcast I have been a fan of Vicki Davis since I came across her on Twitter years ago. Her newest podcast is the 10-Minute Teacher Podcast and it strives to share innovative educational ideas with teachers in convenient 10 minute or less interviews with various types of educators. Its the perfect format for getting pitched ideas in a very brief amount of time. Perfect for busy teachers looking for new ideas.
  3. TED Radio Hour We all know TED Talks, and if you are anything like me, you just don’t have the time to sit down and watch full videos of them. One of my favorite podcasts is the TED Radio Hour because I get to take in amazing TED talks on a variety of subjects while driving, or working at my desk. While TED Talks are not always aimed at education, a great deal of them are and are incredibly powerful. This podcast is more than just the audio of TED Talks, but have a host who walks you through a topic and highlights a few TED Talks that all address the same issue. What’s cool is if there is a TED Talk on the show you want to hear in its entirety, you can easily access it online.

I have become a real podcast junkie over the last couple of years. I am always looking for podcasts on a variety of subjects. What are your favorite podcasts? Educational or otherwise? Share them with me in the comment section below! 🙂


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