Guest Blogger

mouse-2575068_1920EduBlogsClub Prompt #27:

Prompt: Write a guest post on another blog, or find a guest blogger for yours!

Ask someone else to post for you this week on a topic of their choice. Or see if you can find another blog or website that will let you post there. If nothing else, consider writing on something like this week, it can help you grow an audience 🙂

I knew the guest blogger prompt was coming (because I am behind and I have all the prompts queued up) and I still couldn’t bring myself to do it. So I got to reflecting on why that is and I came to the conclusion that I view my blog as a journal that only I write in, but lots of people can read if they so choose. I welcome comments and enjoy them, but that is where guests get to write on my blog if they want. I didn’t look for another blog to blog on because of the same thinking. The blogs of others, belong to them. Unless it is a group sort of blog, I think blogging on another teacher’s blog is not something I feel comfortable with.

So if I am not going to have a guest or be a guest, then that leaves me with the other suggestion in the post (thank you for those!), which is looking into Medium.

I have been aware of Medium, but I never really looked into it, mainly because I really don’t want to have to manage another log in for another website or create another account for a service I may not use. I know that sounds rather pessimistic of me, but that is not my intent. It is just a time thing. I only have so much time and signing up for a bunch of things is not the best use of it, when I know I am going to have a hard time staying on top of or even using all the things I sign up for. I have to be selective.

But for the sake of this prompt I did look into Medium. I spent some time looking at the work of other Medium users, specifically the “Noteworthy” writers. I really enjoy the way Medium is set up. I think what stands out to me is that it doesn’t look like a blog, it looks like a and feels like a writing community.

So without further ado, here is my first post on Medium.

If you are on Medium too and would like me to follow you, share your link with me in the comments below. 🙂


4 responses to “Guest Blogger”

  1. Hi Melanie,
    I agree with you that our blog is bit as our own home and that it isn’t easy to invite someone to come unless they sit in the “blog’s living room”, that is, the comments space.
    If I would do this prompt, I think I could invite one of my older students and ask them to write a post as a young guest blogger.
    I knew Medium just a week ago and I also had the feeling that they work as a community, both friendly and respectful.
    Now I’ll go to Medium and enjoy your post.

    1. Hi Ines,
      Thanks for commenting! I completely agree with your comment and I enjoyed how you likened the comment section of a blog as the living room. Perfect analogy!
      Having a former student write on your blog sounds like a great way to bring in a guest blogger.
      I’ve been enjoying exploring Medium and I am hoping to continue using it. Time will tell! Thanks for taking the time to read my post there as well. 🙂

  2. Hi Melanie,

    I too have only lurked on Medium. Now your post has forced me to actually make an account to I can comment! 🙂 Doing that now!


    1. Thanks Kathleen! Happy to help! 😉

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