Student Privacy


EduBlogsClub Prompt #8:

Prompt: Write a post about student privacy.

Should student work be public on the web? Why or why not?

How do you evaluate the tools that you use in your classroom when it comes to student privacy?

Do you have a favorite resource or video that discusses this topic?

Do you have tips or rules that you use with your students relating to identifable information?

Do you have any other ideas, rants, or questions about student privacy you wish to discuss?

Student privacy is incredibly important. I remember when Internet tools were coming into the classroom at lightning speed. I always wanted to know about the latest service that I could use with my students to enhance and personalize their education. I never thought about the fact that they needed accounts to log in and what those accounts would require in terms of information and data collection on my students. My school district is VERY concerned with student privacy and have been since the onset. A number of websites and services are blocked because their privacy agreements are not up to par with what is required in California. There have been many teachers in my district (including myself) that have grumbled over the sites or services we cannot use because of the district’s strict student privacy policy. In hindsight however, I recognize that the district was simply trying to protect our students and make the various vendors who wanted to do business with us be accountable to the federal and local regulations regarding student privacy.

I remember that each school year would start with a new list of sites/services that were allowable. If the site or service you wanted to use was not on that list you could not use it. For many years that list always seemed rather short to me (and likely still is) but the list has grown a little each year and sites/services teachers are clamoring for are gradually being added, but it is only once that organization has passed the district’s student privacy test.

I believe students should be on the Internet doing all the wonderful “21st Century” things we want them to be doing in order to prepare them for success in their future careers. However, we as educators are not only here to guide them and support them, we are here to protect them. So while I was one of those teachers years ago who didn’t think about student privacy and only about student enrichment, I know now that student privacy is critically important and companies who are offering the latest amazing tool to enhance and personalize education really do need to meet student privacy requirements.

And just to cap this post off here is a short video from Common Sense Media (I love them) all about some simple ways teachers can protect their student’s privacy online.


2 responses to “Student Privacy”

  1. Glad to see you’re back Melanie, and with a great post! I’m adding the video to my Internet Laws PDF for teachers.

    1. Thank you! I am glad to be back that’s for sure! I am glad you found my post useful. 🙂

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